Mandate, Mission and Values

Askance’s mandate is to acquire original, high quality work from writers, to publish that work in any form appropriate, and distribute and promote that work, paying contributors in a timely manner. All of which should be achieved within the confines of a sustainable operation in both the financial and physical senses.
Acquisitions will be based entirely on the quality of the writing, the originality of the work and the benefits of bringing that work to a wider audience.
Askance is determined to identify authors whose work demands exposure to a wider audience, regardless of whether those writers have been previously published or not. In order to recruit writers Askance will promote its credentials as widely as possible, but with particular reference to Canadian authors and translators of work into English.
Askance will continue to publish work in both printed and digital forms using whatever platforms are appropriate and beneficial to the author, the work and the publisher. Achieving these objectives must be accompanied by every effort to promote new work in order to raise awareness among the work’s intended audience.
Askance authors will be compensated for their work and be offered a fair and comprehensive contract based on the model contract provided by The Writers’ Union of Canada and which takes into account both their need for compensation and the publisher’s need to cover costs. Askance authors should wherever possible be willing to engage in promotional activity and work closely with Askance to jointly present their work in the best possible manner. Where it is considered appropriate, Askance will promote an author’s work by submitting it to contests or prizes and bearing the costs of any such submission.

Mission and Values
Our mission is to be an innovative and creative, independent publisher of books of high quality and originality in all the forms which books may take. Our intention is to inform, entertain and inspire readers of all backgrounds with original work from writers regardless of their race, age or gender. We champion a life-long love of reading and seek to contribute to a culture of reading with all the benefits which accrue for society.
Askance is determined to help writers, both new and established, to bring original, high quality work regardless of genre or subject to readers everywhere, sharing ideas, knowledge and experience, and sometimes challenging convention. Our editorial decisions are informed by a belief in the equality of all writers, regardless of culture, creed, race, gender or age.
Askance is committed to working closely with its authors to produce books which present the author’s work in the best possible manner, including editing that work and designing all aspects of the final book, whatever form that book may take.
Askance will promote its writers and their work in any way possible, including by nominating it for prizes and by introducing it at book fairs and conventions.
Askance is opposed to discrimination in all its forms. We oppose sexism, ageism and racism wherever they arise. We do not favour any group or groups over any other when considering work submitted for consideration.
To endorse our sustainability intentions, we operate on a print-on-demand basis for all printed work. We re-use and recycle and minimize energy use whenever possible .
Askance is conscious that its main location in Nova Scotia is situated in Mi’kma’ki, the unceded, unsurrendered territory of the Mi’kmaq peoples whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial and will likewise encourage its writers and associates to also acknowledge the history of this land.